Debbie Chaves

Debbie Chaves stands in the gap between the church and government to safeguard religious freedom and protect traditional family values. As the executive director of the statewide Family Policy Council for Colorado, Debbie orchestrates strategies to promote and protect the cornerstone of a healthy society, the family.

“The core to a healthy society is a vibrant, faith-filled, intact family. I stand on the front lines to make sure the wellbeing of the family is represented when public policy decisions are being considered.”

As a public policy advisor working with government officials to uphold the sanctity of life, religious freedom, and traditional marriage and family, she works across the broad spectrum of local, county, state and federal governments.

Her work to engage churches and people of faith amplifies the Christian voice while engaging citizen participation.

Debbie hosts forums, workshops and training sessions for legislators, pastors and civic activists; interacting well with all types of audiences: church leaders, congregations, women’s groups, Hispanics, and millennials.

Married to husband Mike, for 30+ years; they reside in Colorado Springs, CO with their seven children.