The First Anniversary of the death of Roe v Wade: A Cause for Celebration, Confident Hope, and Renewed Determination!

Date posted: 06-23-2023

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Estimated Reading Time : 5:00

Tomorrow, June 24, 2023, marks the one-year anniversary of the historic and glorious decision by the Supreme Court of the United States in Dobbs v Mississippi that overturned Roe v, Wade. Roe v. Wade was a Constitutional and moral atrocity lasting fifty years that enabled the killing of more than sixty million innocent children.

The landmark ruling in Dobbs restored legislative power back to the states and Congress, allowing them to protect life during all stages of pregnancy. In the last year alone, twenty states have enacted abortion bans at varying points in pregnancy, including fourteen states enacting near-total bans at any point in pregnancy.

According to a June article published by Life News, between July 2022 and March 2023 an estimated 93,575 babies were saved from abortions by the laws in those twenty states.  While it is true that many states continue to allow abortion, and last year saw an increase of more than 60,000 abortions in those states, the net difference nationwide is still that more than 24,000 fewer babies have been killed by surgical abortion since Roe was overturned. It is undeniable: tens of thousands of lives have already been saved, each with his or her own destiny and purpose. Each made in the image of Almighty God.

We should rejoice at the anniversary of this amazing victory!

The Fight Is Not Over

In our celebration, we should renew the confident determination to fight for full legal protection of innocent human life in every jurisdiction of this great nation.  As it stands today, twenty states are still considered “right-to-choose” states that offer no protection for unborn children. The most anti-life state in America is Colorado.  

Before the Dobbs case last year, Colorado law already contained no restrictions on abortion, allowing abortion even up to birth. But the Democrat Governor and Legislature were not satisfied and have gone even further in the last year to attack innocent life. They passed HB22-1279, the most radical anti-life law in America, and possibly the entire world. The law states that unborn children have no rights under state law and specifies that abortion is legal in Colorado from conception all the way through labor and delivery. The law thereby protects the heinous procedure of partial-birth abortion, and even allows doctors to refuse care to babies that survive failed abortion attempts (a form of infanticide).

In the new Colorado law, minors can get abortions without parental consent. Democrat Colorado House Majority Leader Amy Stephens has stated, “Parental notification could easily be seen as a ‘burden’ to reproductive care.” As reported in the Colorado Sun, Democrats blocked Republicans’ attempt to explicitly include at least a parental notification provision in the legislation.

Wives can abort their babies without the consent of their husbands. Nurse practitioners and physician assistants, in addition to doctors, can prescribe abortion medication in the first 10 weeks of a pregnancy via a telehealth appointment, making Colorado home to the most extreme abortions laws in the country.

Abortion Tourism?

Colorado has literally become an “abortion tourism” state, a term recently coined by Colorado lawmaker Richard Holtorf, who observed that visitors to Colorado can “go skiing for a week and then on the way home they can get their abortion.”

He’s not wrong. released troubling data last month showing that Colorado performed the highest number of abortions last year than any year since 1985. Vital Statistics show that 14,154 babies were killed by surgical abortion last year in Colorado, and that two out of every seven were performed on out-of-state residents. This means that 28% of Colorado abortions were performed on visitors last year, compared to 12% in 2018.

In response, Marcie Little, Colorado for Life Co-Founder & Executive Director wrote, “It should horrify Coloradans to know that while other states have acted to save innocent unborn lives, we’ve become THE destination for abortion not just in the United States but around the world.”

The ugly truth is that Colorado has a long history of murdering babies in the womb. Going back to 1967, a full six years before Roe v. Wade, the Centennial Sate became the first to legalize abortion up to birth, subsequently opening the door for Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Oregon to pass their own radical legislation endorsing the killing of unborn children. In 1978, Colorado began using taxpayer money to fund abortions through Medicaid.

Where Does Our Help Come From?

Despite the current legal conditions in Colorado and other states, the victory in Dobbs is a reason for confident hope. Only a handful of years ago, most people considered the reversal of Roe v. Wade an impossibility. Yet, we now live in a post-Roe world and tens of thousands of babies have been saved in just one year. God hates the shedding of innocent blood (Prov. 6:17) and is a defender of the weak and oppressed (Psalm 9:9). He is a father to the fatherless … [who] setteth the solitary in families (Psalm 68:5-6). If we work hard to bring to light the cause of the helpless and innocent, we can rest assured that God will help us.

Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.

Psalm 35:27

As He gave us the victory in Dobbs, we can be confident He will prosper our work until we see complete victory in the states, and even in Congress. This June 24, as we celebrate what the Lord has done in Dobbs, let’s renew our commitment to fully protect innocent life across the land, including states like Colorado, and remember, with God, all things are possible (Matt. 19:26).

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