POC Capitol Interns Gives Opportunities to Minority Students


Date posted: 06-15-2021

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Estimated Reading Time : 3:00

A promising program called POC Capitol Interns program has been giving ethnic-minority college students and graduates valuable experience and education by placing them as interns with members of the U.S. House of Representatives, Senate, and other officials in Washington, D.C. 

Rocky Mountain Black Conservatives launched the program in 2017 and has placed dozens of students into coveted D.C. internships. According to POC Capitol Interns:

We need unity and equal representation. America’s political system is increasingly dividing citizens into groups and classes. This should not be so. The one-sidedness of ethnic-minority engagement in politics is damaging to all. Black Americans represent 13 percent of the U.S. population but only about 2 percent of the population on Capitol Hill. Exposing, training, and readying younger generations for public service must happen. 

The program empowers involvement in the governmental process “by granting black and Hispanic students access to senior government officials.”  The website states that the program “aids in the development of a stronger professional network and allows [the students] to gain valuable skills and to solidify understanding of exactly how our form of self-governance operates. . . .”

How to Apply

POC Capitol Interns regularly accepts applications for its annual summer sessions.  To be eligible, ethnic-minority applicants must be 

  • at least 18 years of age, 
  • currently enrolled in an accredited college or university, 
  • Or have graduated from an accredited college or university within the previous five years 

According to the POC website, all academic majors may be admitted into the program as can those who are undeclared. 

During their internship, participants who do not reside in the D.C. metropolitan area, can live in student housing at George Washington University at no cost. Concerning other costs and compensation, the organization’s website states:

In addition to providing housing, POC Capitol Interns summer session positions are paid. Interns are compensated $1500 for the seven-week term. Additionally, interns who must fly to are eligible for an airfare reimbursement for travel to and from Washington D.C.  Interns are responsible for their own meals, transportation to/from Capitol Hill and incidental expenses.

A Great Opportunity

Past participants in the POC Capitol Interns program and have positive things to say about their experiences in the nation’s capital.

“The ability to not only see but participate in the nuts and bolts of our system of government was very eye-opening and informative,” said Catherine Hendrix of Pikes Peak College. “We learned more working in a senator’s office for a summer than most students do in three semesters of college because it’s not theoretical. It’s real-life – you’re actually right there doing it day in and day out.”

Interns have received tours of important federal buildings including the White House, met with key leaders like Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina and former HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, and received recognition from lawmakers like Rep. Mike Bost of Illinois and Rep. Ralph Norman of South Carolina.

“Doing research on legislation was a great experience, and interacting with other Congressional members who’d come to our office was the highlight,” said Kendall Watts of Grand Canyon University. “I love the fact that so many influential people took time to meet and talk with us.”

POC Capitol Interns is paving the way for the future of our nation by opening doors to ethnic minority students and giving them valuable experience.

Learn More

Visit the POC Capitol Interns website to learn more about the program and internship opportunities, and apply. Learn more about Rocky Mountain Black Conservatives and their work to serve people of color in the western United States by visiting their website.

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