Liberty Counsel Issues Alarming Report About Vaccine Side Effects


Date posted: 11-11-2021

Featured Media

Estimated Reading Time : 3:00

Last week, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (“OSHA) issued an emergency rule attempting to conscript every business in America with more than 100 employees to enforce Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate.

Under the new rule,  beginning Jan. 4, employers are required to ensure their workers are vaccinated against COVID or they will face large fines of $14,000 for each infraction. If the new order is not struck down by the courts, up to 84 million American workers will have to submit to the ‘jab’ or face termination.  The fact that they may have moral, health or other objections to the experimental  treatment is no excuse.

The civil rights lawyers at Liberty Counsel recently released an alarming report regarding findings from a review of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which chronicles adverse effects of the vaccines. According to Liberty Counsel, “50% of total vaccine adverse event reports [over the 31 years of VAERS] are from COVID shots.” Liberty Counsel notes that the COVID vaccines have only been available for one year.

From 1990-2021, of the 1,697,752 reported incidents of adverse effects from all vaccines, 856,917 were from the COVID vaccines. The Open VAERS website reports, through Oct. 29, 18,078 deaths from the COVID vaccines. Also reported were 88,910 hospitalizations, 95,954 urgent care visits, and 133,973 doctor office visits. Among the medical conditions reported as adverse effects of the vaccine were 32,851 severe allergic reactions, 28,112 permanent disabilities, 11,449 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis, 8,878 heart attacks, and 2,786 miscarriages.

Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel founder and president, is scheduled to appear on the Truth & Liberty livecast, Monday, Nov. 22, at 6 p.m. MT (8 p.m. ET). He will offer updates on a number of lawsuits filed by his organization on behalf of servicemembers, healthcare professionals, and workers across a number of industries.

Appearing previously on the livecast, Staver cited the experience of one serviceman who enlisted just after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks and may forfeit his military career for refusing to accept the jab. Men and women who served their country could face court martial, loss of benefits, and be dishonorably discharged simply for declining to accept the experimental injection.

“Since Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J are subject to the ‘Emergency Use Authorization’ status, and BioNTech’s Comirnaty is not yet available, no one—including military service members—can be forced to take these shots,” wrote Staver recently. “Further, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) and the First Amendment protect federal employees and service members from being forced to violate their deeply held religious convictions.”

Along with litigating cases in the courts, Liberty Counsel is providing valuable assistance to healthcare, airline and transportation workers. The organization also hosts a weekly teleconference to offer information and support to those seeking exemptions from mandates.

Learn More

Learn more about Liberty Counsel Action’s research on COVID and experimental injections at Access a sample letter for religious exemptions from mandates at

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