Date posted: 10-23-2024
Estimated Reading Time : 6 minutes
We have an election coming up that may be the most important in my lifetime. Not only will we, as Americans, be voting on our next president, we’ll be voting for Congress, governors, state lawmakers, judges, and other offices across the country.
I’ve heard it said that Christians are the single most powerful voting bloc in the nation, and if we would just get out and vote according to what the Bible has to say about key issues, we could turn this nation around. Sad to say, many Christians don’t exercise their right to vote. Now, there are a lot of reasons for that, but one of the biggest things in recent years is discouragement.
I had David and Tim Barton of WallBuilders on our Truth & Liberty program a few years ago. We were talking about the so-called “Red Wave” forecast for the 2022 elections that would have restored a conservative majority in Congress. But after everything was said and done, very little changed in the balance of power, making it more like a red trickle!
Despite all of the things working in favor of conservatives in that election, the liberals turned it into a referendum on abortion. You see, Roe v Wade had been overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court earlier that year, sending the issue back to the states to decide. The liberals framed the whole thing as an attack on “reproductive rights.”
The court had already determined there was no constitutional right to abortion, so what the liberals did was bear false witness (which is right in line with all of the other things they promote).
These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. Proverbs 6:16–19
All this happened just two years after the disputed 2020 election, where there were reports of ballot harvesting, problems with voting machines, and other issues. So, taking all these things into account, the question was raised, “What’s the point?” Now, there may be some of you reading this who are thinking something similar: Why should I vote? Will it even count? What does it matter?
Well, David, who’s on our Truth & Liberty board, gave a really good answer. He said that even if he knew his vote wouldn’t matter in the outcome of the election, someday he would stand before God and have to answer for the responsibility that was given to him. Then, he referenced John Quincy Adams, the sixth president of the United States, who said, “Duty is ours; results are God’s.” That’s when David said, “I don’t have a right to vote. I have a duty to vote!” That’s awesome!
Helping people make informed decisions when they vote is a big part of what Truth & Liberty is doing to make a difference. And it’s not just national and state elections we’re focusing on.
David spoke at our conference a few years ago and gave a really good illustration. He said the things we’re seeing in the news today about men being allowed to use women’s restrooms because they feel like they are a different gender, all started in Fort Worth, Texas, about a decade ago.
David made the point that Fort Worth is a typically conservative area and people there shouldn’t fall for all this gender stuff. But, because there is such low voter turnout in local elections, like for school boards, a relatively small number of people can elect liberal candidates who will make ungodly decisions that go against the morals of most of the people in a community.
In this case, the school board passed a policy allowing boys to use girls’ restrooms or locker rooms and vice versa based on how they identified themselves, which is ungodly (Deut. 22:5). It wasn’t long before it became a nationwide thing. And now we’ve seen it just grow to the point that boys are being accused of assaulting girls in school bathrooms. That’s just terrible!
During his message, David showed there was one evangelical church in Fort Worth large enough to have easily turned that school board election if they had just gotten involved and voted according to biblical values. It just goes to show how important it is for Christians to make their voices heard—especially at the ballot box!
Over the past few years, Truth & Liberty has produced nonpartisan, 501(c)3-compliant voter guides for a number of races in Colorado. These guides don’t tell people who to vote for, but they help people see where the candidates stand on the issues. For example, a few years ago we distributed voter guides in several school districts around the state and a significant number of seats flipped from liberal to conservative. That’s awesome!
To accomplish this, we held a series of meetings around Colorado and invited pastors and other community leaders to attend. These events featured guest speakers like David Barton, Tim Barton, Chad Connelly of Faith Wins, Mark Gonzales of Hispanic Action Network, and Richard Harris, our Truth & Liberty executive director. We taught people how to get involved, register voters, be informed on the issues, and make a difference. I’ll tell you, it made a huge impact.
On September 8, 2023, at our annual Truth & Liberty Coalition Conference, I received a word from the Lord and delivered a prophecy. Here’s part of what I shared:
You will see people who, right now, are shaking their fist in the face of God, they will not even be here. They are going to be removed from positions of leadership. You’re going to see things change. And the Lord says to be encouraged.
Now, I don’t know what that means—whether they’ll be gone, or just out of leadership—but I believe we are seeing things turn around. And that begins with Christians exercising their duty to vote! You see, we’ll win if we just don’t quit. And the best is yet to come!
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Watch Andrew Wommack share words from the Lord regarding the Third Great Awakening, given to him on March 5, 2021, July 4, 2023, and September 8, 2023. Explore the Truth & Liberty website, subscribe to receive regular updates, and visit our Research Center for great practical resources. Also, learn how you can become a Truth & Liberty Coalition member and join us in standing for truth in the public square.